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on the blog
Is your skin thirsty?
Has your skin been feeling flaky, itchy or irritated lately? Looking dull, lacklustre and noticing more prominent fine lines? If this sounds like you then it’s likely your skin is screaming out for a large dose of H2O!
What do they know that you don’t? Why some celebrities never seem to age.
No, were not talking about the scary looking too-tight facelifts that some like to sport, more the split photos doing the rounds on social media showing the likes of Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz etc, 20 years apart- looking probably better in the second photos.
Why has coming off the pill given me spots? The all too common post pill acne and what to do about it.
It’s a little known fact that coming off the contraceptive pill after long term use can give you acne, even if you’ve never suffered with bad skin before. Why does it give you spots more importantly, what can you do about it?