Patients often ask if dermal fillers can be placed in the under-eyes, the answer is absolutely, yes! We call dermal fillers in the under-eye area Tear trough filler.

Why would you get tear trough filler?

If deep hollows are making you look tired no matter how much sleep you are getting, tear trough filler might be the treatment for you. Whether you are noticing the first signs of ageing or due to genetics they’ve never been as fresh and bright as you might have liked, artfully placed dermal fillers in the under-eye area results in looking fresh and well rested but at the same time totally natural. No one would ever think you had anything done.

“We use a hyaluronic acid filler the same as the naturally occurring hyaluronic acid in your body. This filler helps to smooth out hollows, fill deep grooves, and brighten the under-eye area by reflecting light and shadows.”

Is tear trough filler safe?

Your tear trough filler treatment will be performed by our expert medical director with 10 years’ experience in facial aesthetics. Her knowledge of facial anatomy and dermal filler treatment means she is well practiced at avoiding complications but would know how to effectively treat one if it were to arise. She has performed thousands of tear trough treatments uses the most advanced and safest cannula techniques.

Is tear trough filler painful?

It is a practically painless treatment. The dermal filler is administered through one tiny entry point using a blunt-tipped cannula which ensures optimum comfort and decreased downtime.

Can I go straight back to work?

You will be able to resume normal light activities straight away. You will be advised not to exercise for 24 hours or drink alcohol. We also recommend avoiding any activity that puts any pressure on the face, for example facial massage for 2 weeks after treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

For many patients one treatment will be enough to achieve noticeable results. For some patients a second treatment will be needed 4 weeks later. Patients with deeper hollows that require 2 treatments but only opt for one will typically feel that the result has ‘not lasted very long’ or that the filler has ‘disappeared’. This is not the case, it’s simply that they needed more filler to achieve a noticeable result.

Will tear trough make my under eyes look puffy?

No. We never overfill your under-eye area and will always leave a slight hollow to keep you looking natural. It does not look natural to completely fill the under-eye area; we only fill to 70% maximum. Even if you are recommended 2 treatments this will still be just to get you to the 70% mark, not beyond it.

How long will the results last for?

Once the treatment has fully settled and you are happy with the result, we expect it to last 9-18 months. The duration of results will vary from person to person as the dermal filler will be broken down by the body over time and the rate at which this happens is dependent on the individual.

Will anyone notice I have had under eye filler?

No, they will simply think that you look well rested.


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