“I want a more defined and contoured jawline” is a request we hear a lot in clinic.


Whether you have recently noticed that your jawline has lost some of its definition or feel that it has never been quite as contoured as you’d like, you are not alone! Achieving a more defined and contoured jawline is one the most common requests we receive.

Often, it’s a photo which has captured their side profile when people first notice that they are lacking that distinction between their face and neck and feel like they are ‘morphing into one’.  Lack of definition to the lower third of the face is common in men and woman and is not always age related. In order to achieve a beautifully defined and contoured jawline which enhances your features it’s important to first determine the cause. There are several common causes of an undefined jawline so let’s discuss the main culprits:


  1. Lack of definition to the mandible bone & mandibular angle


There are a lucky few who are born with a very contoured and defined mandible & mandibular angle (the corner of the jawline that starts just below your ear) but most of us require a little help to enhance this attractive feature. As we get older the structure of our face changes because our bones lose density and shrink which causes us to have a shorter, narrower jaw and chin.

The remedy:

Dermal fillers. Stractegically placed dermal fillers will add structure and definition to the jawline to create beautiful feminine angles and give the appearance of a more defined lower face and neck (think Angelina Jolie). Dermal fillers are made from hyaluronic acid which is a naturally occurring substance made by our bodies which declines as we age. Dermal filler treatment to the jawline typically lasts around 12 – 18 months and is broken down slowly over time by the body. Most people require 1-4 syringes to achieve their desired outcome which will be determined during an individual assessment by our medical professionals.


  1. Excess Fat


Your defined jawline might just be hiding underneath some excess fat! Many people suffer from a stubborn pocket of fat underneath their chin (submental fat) known as a ‘double chin’. Even if you are a slim healthy weight it’s not uncommon to have an extra pocket of submental fat underneath your chin or around the jowl area. This fat can often be a lot more noticeable to people when viewing themselves from the side. Since we can’t spot reduce fat losing weight is not always helpful or advisable if you just have a small area you are wanting to target.

The remedy:

Aqualyx. Aqualyx is a non-surgical alternative to traditional liposuction. It works by breaking down the fat cells in the area that has been injected with the Aqualyx solution, causing them to be destroyed and then expelled by the body naturally. This process takes around 4-5 weeks to see the final results and most people require 2-3 treatments to achieve the maximum outcome.


  1. Pre-jowl sulcus

The pre-jowl sulcus, often referred to as the pre-jowl fold, is a little-known area of the face that can have a big impact on the definition and contour of our jawline. It is the area either side of our chin that is often the first area that we notice hollowing as a side effect of volume loss associated with the aging process.

The remedy:

Dermal filler. Dermal filler is the best option to smooth out the pre-jowl sulcus area giving you a more contoured looking jawline and minimising the appearance of mild jowls. Treating this area alone typically requires 1-2 syringes of filler and lasts between 12-18 months.


  1. Strong Masseter Muscles


The Masseter muscles are the muscles on either side of your face which connect your cheekbone to your jawbone. In some people these muscles are very pronounced causing the appearance of a wide, square shaped face. Women with strong masseter muscles often feel their face appears masculine due to a wide looking jawline. Strong masseter muscles are often also associated with teeth grinding (bruxism) and jaw tension (TMD).

The Remedy:

Botox injections. Botox is most commonly known for is wrinkle-reducing abilities, however it has a wide range of uses and is the most effective treatment for slimming and contouring a wide, square shaped jaw. Botox reduces the size of the masseter muscles creating a slimmer more feminine ‘V’ shape to the jawline and therefore balancing out your facial features.  Botox injections last 3-4 months.


  1. Receded Chin


A weak or receding chin can be something we are born with or something that occurs naturally over time due to the aging process. A receding chin can add to the appearance of an undefined jawline.

The Remedy:

It’s dermal filler to the rescue again! Enhancing the chin with dermal fillers is an effective and popular alternative to chin implants. It balances out the profile beautifully and adds contour and definition the lower face and neck. Depending on the level of recession, most people require 1-4 syringes of filler which typically lasts around 12-18months in the chin.


  1. Saggy Skin

Finally, it could be skin laxity caused by a decline in collagen and elastin and/or weight loss which is contributing to the facial tissues ‘heading south’ and sagging which accentuates the appearance of jowls and leads to a lack of definition in the lower face and neck.

The Remedy:

Treatment options for sagging skin depend on the severity of laxity present. If it’s mild laxity, then Profhilo is a great option. Profhilo is injectable bio-remodelling treatment comprised of the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid which stimulates the body’s own production of collagen and elastin. This gives an amazing ‘lifting’ and tightening effect to the skin. If the laxity is moderate, then the best option would be non-surgical threads or Ultherapy. If it is more advanced or severe laxity, then surgery would give the best results. Profhilo requires two treatments spaced 4 weeks apart and the results last 12 months.


It is important to note that a lack of definition to the jawline area can be caused by more than one of these factors at the same time and would therefore require a combination treatment approach to achieve the best results. This is why individual assessment by our medical experts is the first step to your dream jawline, book your consultation today!









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